can vs trash 2
A lot of distortion, perhaps a bit too much, oops 🙂 The encoder is kinda not capable to process it so yeah it’s sounding even more shittier than the final render 😀
arpeggio loop w/ doom compressor
Oddly satisfying but in audio form, at least that’s how I imagine it. Made using Filters and doom compressors, 94 bpm C+50 cents incase anyone wants to break it even more 🙂
some old unfinished synthwave
Not quite sure what is going on with the master and sound selection, perhaps I lost the compressor settings while transferring this through cloud, but it’s 2 am so you are getting the project almost unchanged 😀
literally ad music for any kind of product connected with summer free to use cc0
Sunscreen Ad Type Beat Instrumental Free 2022
dropbox trash 02 (random beat for a contest)
Yeah, another of these, hopefully the last one
dropbox trash 01 (probably high on clean air)
Found this while cleaning stuff so decided to throw it here bc why the hell not?