dropbox trash 02 (random beat for a contest)
Yeah, another of these, hopefully the last one
dropbox trash 01 (probably high on clean air)
Found this while cleaning stuff so decided to throw it here bc why the hell not?
alien popcorn, sorta
Random school session, playing basic shapes through various processing chains.
rrreeeaaa try 1
A quick sound made using the added stretching algorithm in reaper, basic but still pretty effective in cinematic production. Made while creating crappy databases so definitely not fully polished (airpods)…
Absolutely meaningless semibinaural scenery
My tip is that I was testing some new binaural panner and this was the final result, can’t think about any other reason why this could have been created. Credits: Some of the UI sounds are definitely from this page: https://currentlyuntitled.design/ The song: https://soundcloud.com/skrillex/the-disco-rangers-bus-knows Other sounds are from free or bought libs, I don’t even…
cursed asmr
Typical Friday night sounds, created using xoxos angle and mild post processing, not normalized for some odd reason.
Impact (so dirty)
A lot of camel crusher, chow kick as the main bass layer, made at school and with airpods, so nothing that impressive.